Get Out of Your Head: 3 Roadblocks to Overcome for Women In Business for Purpose, Profit, & Joy in Your Online Business

Hello Big-Hearted Entrepreneur Friend!

As a business owner of over 15 years, I've made no shortage of mistakes.

I've also pivoted more than once, been in the service, product, and mentoring / consulting sides of business, and have both seen big ideas come to life and felt totally stuck at times.

Which means... I've run into a mental roadblock (or few) and thought I would share some tools for how to avoid them (or push through them) as you face all that is ahead in your business or online venture this year!

As an entrepreneur, one thing that's especially unique is that you're making ALL the decisions. Which means where YOUR head is, your business will follow.

It's far too easy to get stuck in one way of thinking and watch roadblock after roadblock develop along the way (often unnoticed).

And true... some roadblocks aren't ones we create ourselves. But let's face it, many of them are. So you need to get out of your head (or at least change some of those thoughts!)

When we can learn to have a growth-mindset, an overcoming attitude, and create new patterns, we feel a lot less stuck (and start to really see the transformation we want in our businesses!)

But we have to do the hard work (mentally) to get there.  And if you address these issues now, you’ll be well-equipped to propel through them (now or later)!

Here are 3 roadblocks that might pop up (or are already holding you back):

1: Assuming that what's possible is only what you've experienced before.

Sure, you start with big dreams... but somewhere along the way you sink into "accepting reality" and get stuck in a hamster wheel of not being able to go where you haven't before. When the truth is, every breakthrough in our business is going to be NEW to us -- and we need to recalibrate to EXPECT the new, not just see it as "out there."

Reflection: What can you imagine right now that feels "impossible" but you want to make happen?


2: Thinking you don't know enough to do that next thing.

Spoiler alert: We all feel like we're not ready yet... not prepared enough... like some gaps (or a degree, certificate, or piece of equipment) must be missing that we need first. THEN, we'll give ourselves permission to do that next thing. The truth is, what's probably going to equip you the most is the messy process of just, well, doing it. If you really need something to lean on to "feel equipped" -- read that book, hire that coach, or deep-dive through a course. But then, no more excuses -- just do it and learn along the way!

Reflection: What have you felt you needed BEFORE you could do that next thing? How can you mentally eliminate that crutch and just jump in?


3: Feeling jealousy and comparison instead of genuinely rooting others on.

Sure, when you see someone achieve what you've been aiming at, jealousy might be that first feeling. A sense of despair and comparison might be second. But guess what -- those feelings can elevate you instead of dragging you down!! Flip the switch to choose CELEBRATING others. It's not them OR you... it's collective success and genuine celebration of what's POSSIBLE. If they can get there, you can too -- and you'll want others feeling inspired by what you achieve when you get there as well (right??).

Reflection: Who can you celebrate right now that maybe you were feeling resentful or jealous of? -- either internally, or by sending them a note or comment letting them know how happy you are for them!

These mental elements might start as ROADBLOCKS -- but you can turn them into massive MOTIVATORS instead. It's your choice!

Your business is as much about approaching all those decisions with the can-do mindset, as it is having the strategy to hit those goals.

So, sure, while maybe you’d rather be thinking about what’s for dinner (tacos?) or if the blue vs the mint nail polish is right for this week (both good choices), make time to do the reflecting and reset the way you think about these things to see more calm and confidence in your decision making down the line.

I believe in your.  Cheering you on!


PS: Want more can-do content for big-hearted women like you growing your businesses online? 

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