Why CLARITY is Crucial TO Your Small Business SUCCESS (and How to Get It)

Entrepreneur Friend — let’s talk small business CLARITY — especially as women in business online.

Do you feel uneasy just saying it… like something might be “missing” in your small business?

Like maybe there are decisions you know you should be making, but possibly brushed under the rug. Maybe you deemed finding “clarity” less important than “urgently getting clients” or creating a highly-enthusiastic [but hopefully not too hard on you] social media following?

  • Clarity isn’t the “visible” part of our business.

  • It isn’t sleek.

  • It isn’t shiny.

  • It isn’t getting us massive attention.

Let’s face it — CLARITY feels mostly internal — as our stomach twists while we try to write that next social media post, or we wonder what we should offer next that will really “reel” our next client in.

And that’s why we often muddle through without it.

We ignore it like we ignore a slight cold.

We push through it.

We put a bandaid on it and go on to the next thing.

And yet — we NEED CLARITY so desperately in order to operate a successful, foundational, profitable, purposeful, joyful small business.

So let’s find it, Beautiful Girl!

Let’s chat why clarity matters, how you can find it, and how you can transform your business for the better once you’ve gotten clear on certain things.

Here’s why Clarity Matters:

  1. Clarity lays the FOUNDATION for everything that springs forth in our brand story and marketing plan. Clarity becomes the beginnings of the roots of your business.

  2. Clarity makes things EASY. It’s easy to write a social media post when you are clear on who you are serving, how they are feeling, why it matters, etc. It’s difficult to do this (time wasting even!) when we do not have clarity.

  3. Clarity SIMPLIFIES. When we have clarity on our offer, our audience, our messaging, suddenly we can create a simple, marketing stepping stone path that makes total sense (to both us & to our potential clients looking in).

  4. Clarity eliminates the SQUIRREL EFFECT. You know… focus, focus, focus, “squirrel!!!!” It could be an email with a free offer to grab (as we justify — “maybe we’ll need it down the line!?!”) or a whole new marketing platform we’re thinking about using, but those squirrels are awful distracting. When you know where you’re going and why you can ignore most everything else (and feel great about it!)

  5. Clarity FEELS GOOD. Wow, does it. We go from feeling confused, behind, unsure, maybe even trapped or stuck to inspired, action-taking, difference-making women in business!

  6. Clarity gets us CLIENTS and sets our business up for longterm SUCCESS. When we’re clear on who we serve, how we serve them, why, how they feel, how we transform lives (yep, your business transforms lives, I promise!), and how we’re planning to grow, our clients can sense all those things too. And then they come — magnetically. In groves.

So — OK — it might be more important than you thought. Maybe you underestimated the value of CLARITY (after all, you’re a busy passionate women with big dreams you’re trying to make happen!)

So how do you find it? How do you find CLARITY in your small business, especially as you try to grow it online?

  1. You STOP “just thinking” and TAKE ACTION so you can FAIL FAST. Umm, fail? Yep.. fail, fall short, find out you didn’t like something. You can spend 6 months mulling over an idea, or you can take 3 weeks of hardcore action on that direction and see how it feels… see how people respond. Not great? Perfect! Ridiculously, wonderfully valuable in fact! Now do it again. 6 to 9 weeks later you might have excessive clarity on something you could have “waited on” for 6 months, hoping an answer or direction would come.

  2. You ASK the hard, or unusual, or perspective-shifting QUESTIONS. Or… since sometimes it’s hard to get out of your own way… you let a coach, mentor, or strategist ask you (or prompt you in their curriculum) the mind-blowing questions that make you see what you really want… quickly. Sometimes it takes the right angle to pull something out of you that you didn’t know was lingering there… and then everything becomes crystal clear!

  3. You INTERVIEW people. Particularly people you think might be your target audience. You listen to their own words and hear their struggles and you find a way to solve them in only the way you can (while defining exactly what you want to say in your messaging and who you want to serve passionately along the way!)

  4. You give yourself PERMISSION TO PAUSE other things while you find that clarity. Because, hey, what if all that stuff you’re doing to build that audience or write that messaging is actually just taking up precious time that’s holding you back… holding you back from laying the REAL FOUNDATIONS that can skyrocket your business. The ROOTS you need to plant DEEP to let that gorgeous, flowering tree spring forth? Yep, you’re hanging out in the branches & leaves, but your roots might be spindly, Girl. You have permission to come down now (& not go back up during this season!)

So what’s POSSIBLE once you have CLARITY in your small business online…

  • You cultivate a BRAND STORY that makes it wildly simple to talk to your audience, post on social… you can do it in your sleep (or even on repeat).

  • You choose a 3-step marketing pathway that takes your audience from exposure to nurturing (give them some time to warm up, K?) to purchasing. And you keep it easy. And it works!

  • You discover outside OPPORTUNITIES (maybe they even come to you!). Potential collaborators, speaking, writing, guest blogging & podcasting become possible… because you have so much CLARITY that it oozes out of your whole brand (sprinkled beautifully online in just the right places — and no more).

  • You FEEL GOOD and let go of stress. That knot in your stomach is gone. You feel so proud of your online presence! You know exactly what to do and say!

  • Your TRANSFORM LIVES. Because you transform your clients lives (yep, whether you sell makeup or coach leaders, I promise you your impact matters!). Each interaction, story, person — client or follower — is impacted by your messaging.

  • You CHANGE THE WORLD. Because you know so deeply what matters to you and you sense your opportunity for what it is… a chance to pass things on and give-back (in countless ways!)

CLARITY is so worth it, Friend, isn’t it?

And yet — I recognize — it doesn’t always come easy or fast.

(At least it hasn’t for me!)

  • So take that action and fail fast, Friend.

  • Or book a call with a mentor, coach, or strategist (one you genuinely connect to!)

  • Or start interviewing people and listen hard to what they’re saying.

Because you are gifted, talented, and made like no other, Small Business Girl. YOU MATTER (& so does your big idea and big dreams).

You are one of a kind, with a unique way to impact this world (and a wildly amazing opportunity to that online!). So let’s get you some CLARITY so you can see the impact explode!

Cheering you on! -Shannon


PS: Looking for CLARITY on how to do social media better (hint: it involves a new way of thinking and letting some things go!)

💙 Grab my “7 Secrets to Social Media” FREE GUIDE and start a perspective shift that will carry with you as you grow your small business online of purpose and joy!

💙 OR explore our FREE “5 Factor Checklist for Women in Business Online” to help you find CLARITY on what might be holding your business back!

Here for you big-hearted Friend!

Doing business online can be simpler than you think (when you have the clarity to know where you’re going and why!)

Shannon of Feather Blue Studios is a Brand Strategist & Small Business Mentor who helps purpose-driven women online take their passion or product and turn it into an exceptional, magnetic brand story that draws the perfect clients for them in with ease — simplifying social media and marketing along the way (and multiplying JOY!). She works with big hearted women in business one-on-one, through speaking, collaborating, or in her signature group experience called The Small Business Bay, so they can feel calm and confident while they cultivate a business of purpose + profit.