How to Get More Clients — the Sticky Way! (Your BRAND is Like Monkey Bread, We Promise)

Hi Beautiful Entrepreneur!  You want more clients, right?  (I’m pretty sure I heard you say YES!)

And wouldn’t it be great if they came to YOU, instead of feeling like you have to chase them down via a frantic sales process each time?  Wouldn’t it be lovely if your inbox consistently notified you that someone was READY to work with you, or buy from you, instead of you feeling like you had to convince them first?

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Here’s the thing — this is totally possible — for you and for others.  In fact, it happens every day with brands who have taken the time & heart to cultivate what we call a magnetic brand.  

Magnetic, meaning it draws the right people in — and they stick!  (Yep, monkey break analogy coming soon.)

In case you’re immediately skeptical about the term “magnetic brand,” there’s nothing woo-woo about it — it’s simply a strategic understanding of how people make decisions (and buy) and then a plan to work backward to provide what they need to FEEL in order to make their purchase upfront, without any additional convincing or hard-core sales from you. (If that sounded tricky, don’t worry — our monkey bread analogy is going to cure that).

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of hardcore sales, so the magnetic brand route is my preference all the way.


Having a magnetic brand makes your life easier — soooo much easier.  Does it involve some reflection and implementation upfront?  Sure it does.  Cultivating good things takes time.  (Like making monkey bread from scratch — right?).

So first of all — let’s get this straight — what really is our brand?  It’s not our logo or our identity, though those are little pieces of it.  Our brand is actually whatever people think or feel when they experience us / our company.

Whoa… hold up… right?  You mean we can’t even create our own brand?  If it’s simply whatever other people think, then it’s out of our control?

Not even close.  Your brand is like… well… monkey bread (and… we’re there!).  There are a lot of little pieces of dough (aspects of your story, themes, visuals, words) that you intentionally choose to stick together (put out into the world).  Separately each piece of dough is so-so.  But collectively, and while covered in a delicious caramel sticky sauce and baked to perfection, it becomes a whole other thing.  A thing that people LOVE.

Feather Blue Studios | Brand Analogy

Now, know this — some people might dislike it — or be gluten-free for instance — and that’s totally cool — they just wouldn’t want to eat YOUR monkey break (your brand), because a different recipe would be right for them.

Make sense?  We build out our brand story, just like we build out a recipe.  We know ourselves well, and we know what we want our target clients to think & feel (in order for us to be able to help them with our amazing product or service!) and so we put those ingredients in.

Voila — a magnetic (sticky!) brand.

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Now - how do people find out our brand exists, you might ask?

Next we take that big cake pan full of delicious, amazing monkey bread (that we’re so proud of, because we baked it from scratch and put in lots of love) and we carry it around to a few of the right places, sharing it with people that might enjoy it (facebook?  instagram? networking meetings?).  This is our marketing plan — our marketing stepping stones as I like to call them.

And along the way… the right people fall in love with our monkey bread.  They sample it or they stick around and eat the rest with us.  They simply love our recipe — it’s the best they’ve ever had.  And rather than ask us the price or ask for the recipe, they simply say “I’d like to buy one of those from you!  How can I get one?”

Did you catch that?  They simply want it.  And so they come to you and ask for it.

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That, dear friends, is the power of a magnetic brand.  You likely have brands (big or small) that you are monkey-bread-level fans of yourself.  Imagine your target clients feeling that way about you!  It’s totally possible (with caramel-coating-goodness on top).

So how do you cultivate this monkey-bread-level brand?  One delicious, thoughtful step at a time.  


I’m so excited to be creating a powerful course (& ultimately a group!) that will help you do just this.  In the meantime, we can work together one-on-one to help you find just the simple and sweet recipe that is right for you! 

And psst… I might have something super special coming soon for my email crowd! Not on the list yet girl?  Grab one of THESE FREE RESOURCES and jump in on the fun today!

Cheering you on! With Purpose, Joy, & Grace — Shannon

Feather Blue Studios | Fresh Feathers Stock | Shannon | Copyright | Not to be used without permission